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In your School, Theater for Equality

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From Titiritrán Teatro we support Gender Equality and Coeducation Plans  of the educational centers of Granada and province in its objective of establishing a climate of coexistence in which the values of respect, non-discrimination and the overcoming of sexist prejudices help the integral development of children.

Achieving an education in values that prevents inequality and gender violence is the task of the entire educational community , including professionals who, from the Performing Arts , contribute to the creation of shows for school audiences in order to use the theater as a tool for education and work on values, in addition to sharing quality artistic experiences.

The current situation of health uncertainty that restricts and hinders access to the performing arts outside the school center, has led us to technically adapt our shows to be able to represent them in each educational center, after visiting the center we adapt to its facilities: Gymnasium, events rooms, etc.

In your School, Theater for Equality , we offer, for this 2021-22 academic year, the opportunity to bring to your center two shows that stage two works of children's literature that are benchmarks for coeducation and equality.

Adela Turín , an Italian writer and art historian, created a series of children's books called "In favor of girls". Currently these books are fully valid and are still necessary. The main objective of Adela Turín's stories was to build a better, more egalitarian world, free of sexist stereotypes and discrimination. Arthur and Clementine and Candy pink are two of his most recognized stories worldwide.

Recommended ages:

Arthur and Clementine, for children from 1st to 6th and to high school.

Candy pink, for children from 1st to 6th.


Entrance fee 5 euros


Both Arthur and Clementine and Candy Pink were selected to participate in the European Theater Fair aimed at Children and Young People (FETEN 2016 and 2020) and have participated in different programs in relation to equality content throughout the state, receiving the following recognitions:

  • SPECIAL FETEN AWARD 2016 for "Arturo and Clementina, concerto for piano and theater of objects" for the sensitivity in addressing the issue of psychological violence and for its musical-theatrical staging with six hands.


  • Honorable Mention for its quality as a children's show at the 33rd edition of the Theater Fair in the South 2016.

  • Alcides Moreno Award 2017 for the curiously told story. Culture Area and the CRAES (Center for Performing and Visual Arts of La Rinconada),


  • "Arturo y Clementina, concerto for piano and theater of objects", is recommended by the artistic commission of the Spanish Network of Public Theaters, Auditoriums, Circuits and Festivals.



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© 2020 by  Pedro  A. Lopez

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